全国服务热线 13641824105

Small Office Units in Waigaoqiao, Shanghai

发布:2024-06-25 10:45,更新:2024-06-28 09:00

Pudong Line 6/10 subway entrance, 40-88㎡ finely decorated small apartments, commercial property certificate, unit price 1.8 yuan. Can be registered and handle various permits, company changes, transfers, pre-packaged food (including frozen and refrigerated), special food, alcohol wholesale, medical Class II and III permits, hazardous chemicals permits, human resources, labor dispatch, ICP, EDI, network culture business licenses, road transport permits (with or without vehicles), various construction permits, import and export licenses, various filings, etc.


  • 地址:上海市外高桥自由贸易试验区富特西三路77号
  • 邮编:200126
  • 电话:021-60107351
  • 招商总监:李平
  • 手机:13641824105
  • 微信:of7027
  • QQ:921681550
  • Email:2812670843@qq.com